Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE/Sect. OLISIA

Common Names:- Field woundwort

Homotypic Synonyms:- None

Meaning:- Stachys (Gr) Spike-like.
                  Arvensis (L) Of the cultivated/ploughed field.

General description:- Erect, hirsute annual.

1) (5-)10-25 cm, simple or sparingly branched from the base, patent-pilose.

1) Cauline, short-petiolate;
    a) blade, ovate to broadly elliptical, obtuse, crenate.

1) Verticillasters, 4- to 6-flowered, usually 6-12, the upper crowded, the lower
2) Upper floral leaves, equalling the calyx.
3) Calyx, 5-7 mm,  hirsute, often tinged purple;
    a) teeth, equalling the tube, triangular-lanceolate, glandular and eglandular-
4) Corolla, c. 8 mm, pale pinkish;
    a) upper lip, entire.
    b) lower lip, 2-3 mm.

1) Nutlets, obovoid or oblong, rounded at the apex.

Key features:-
1) Corolla, 6-12 mm, scarcely exceeding the calyx.
    a) Upper lip, entire.
2) Calyx, 5-7(-8) mm in flower.
    a) teeth, as long as or slightly shorter than the tube.

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Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, olive groves and field margins. 0-500 m.

Distribution:- Scattered in coastal areas throughout Greece. - Widespread in W &
C Europe and NW Africa, extending to Anatolia, Lebanon and Palestine. On Crete
somewhat scattered across the C & W of the island.

Flowering time:- Mar-May or later in irrigated habitats.

Photos by:- Kind permission of Saxifraga - Free Nature Images